In this final sermon in the fall series on gifts, Melissa preached from Matthew 3:13-17 and Acts 2:1-13. The holy spirit is somehow both a gift and a giver of gifts. One of the awkward parts about Jesus’ baptism is that Jesus does not need to be baptized. Jesus does not need to receive the […]
Gifts Of and For the Body – Nov. 14, 2021
Melissa continues our fall series on gifts. The scripture from I Corinthians 12 focuses on the gifts that everyone brings to the benefit of the body of Christ. The things the world prizes as powerful–it’s easy to believe that we did that. That we worked hard. That we got that education. We built that skill […]
Life’s gifts – Nov. 7, 2021
Melissa continues the series on gifts, this time speaking from Exodus 16:1-21 and Matthew 6:24-34. Jesus tells us that our lives are more than food and our bodies are more than clothing. Almost the entirety of Jesus’ time on earth is spent fixing and feeding and holding and weeping and walking and exorcising. So do […]
Acts of Love for Our Neighbors? – Oct. 24, 2021
Scripture – Luke 10:30-37 Those of us who grew up in the church have heard the story of the Good Samaritan many times. In this continuing series on gifts, Melissa draws fresh insights from the story.
The Gift of Three Stories – Oct. 17, 2021
Scripture: Luke 6:20-36 This Sunday we were privileged to hear unique and powerful stories of three different gifts received by individuals in our congregation. Elizabeth K. shared about the gift of a piano she received as a 17-year-old. Nina shared about the gift a foster family provided her when she was growing up–and the colander […]
Is this the place? – Oct. 10, 2021
The scripture today from Isaiah 1:1-20 is a prophecy or indictment of those who have much, of those who have excess. It speaks to those who have more than enough with not attending to the needs of the poorest among them. It’s no secret that our air, land and waters face a devastating century, and […]
The Giveaway – Oct. 3, 2021
Scripture: Leviticus 1:1-9 and 14-17 The message begins with Rosene telling a story of a favorite gift she received. This first account of offerings in Leviticus is simply about being a gift, not something to clear feelings of guilt or forgive sins. Its only purpose is for the pleasure of and enjoyment of God. Melissa […]
A Gift or a Bribe? – Sept. 26, 2021
Melissa continues the series on gifts with the story from Genesis 32 about Jacob meeting his brother Esau after battling with someone all night long. There are parallels between this story and that of Cain and Abel from a few weeks ago. Jacob is under the impression that he can buy anything he wants if […]
Giving & Receiving in Disbelief – Sept. 19, 2021
Rachel brought the message this morning from Genesis 18:1-15, the story of Abraham and Sarah receiving word that she would bear a child even though she was in her nineties. The story follows the arc of many fairy tales, with a few key differences. Isaac was a sheer gift in the midst of the messiness […]
Gifts that aren’t ours to give – Sept. 12, 2021
Scripture: Genesis 4:1-16 Cain and Abel gave gifts to God, but they were not gifts for them to give since all they have is already from God. When we hear that God had regard for Abel’s gift of animal parts, but no regard for Cain’s gift of fruit of the land we might ask ourselves, […]
Creation’s Gift – Sept. 5, 2021
Scripture: Genesis 1 & 2 Melissa began her message by sharing the video “Manoomin: Food That Grows on the Water” []. The audio is included in this recording. For the Anishinaabe creation is a gift. But it’s also a gift that forms a bond not just between giver and receiver, but between creatures. The concept of […]
Jesus, the Perfect Gift – Aug. 29, 2021
Scripture: John 1 This Sunday we launched a new series on Gifts. The recording starts with a reading from John 1 by Elizabeth and Jackie, then Melissa launches into a story from her early childhood. We want gifts to be unconditional, with no strings attached. But that’s almost impossible for us to accomplish. Human gifts […]