The scripture today from Isaiah 1:1-20 is a prophecy or indictment of those who have much, of those who have excess. It speaks to those who have more than enough with not attending to the needs of the poorest among them. It’s no secret that our air, land and waters face a devastating century, and […]
Sacrifices & Finding Life – July 28, 2019
Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 & Matthew 26:36-40 Melissa works at clearing up misconceptions we often have and reconciling some of our notions of the sacrificial system of the Old Testament and Jesus’ life and crucifixion. We were forgiven long before we knew we needed forgiving.
The Cost of Covenant – Sept. 9, 2018
Donna Coltrane Battle joined us this Sunday and provided a riveting message based on the story of Noah from Genesis 6-9. Covenants are birthed out of pain. Recovery, or salvation, requires sacrifice. On this side of the covenant, we must press for ongoing justice. Dr. Battle currently serves as the chaplain at Meredith College.