Since God is the owner of everything we have (Psalm 24:1), we believe Jesus intended us to live a life of contentment, avoid consumerism and extravagance, and to share our resources generously with others. Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there will be your heart also” (Matthew 5:21).
Raleigh Mennonite works on a communal budget each September at a Church Life Meeting at which all are welcome to participate. We take a public offering once a month and our budget is available to anyone who attends RMC.
Contributions to RMC can be made electronically via PayPal:
Or you can mail a check to:
Raleigh Mennonite Church
121 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27603
If you prefer, you can give via Givelify or direct deposit.
If you are requesting your contribution be designated for a specific fund, you may notify the church treasurer.