The scripture today from Isaiah 1:1-20 is a prophecy or indictment of those who have much, of those who have excess. It speaks to those who have more than enough with not attending to the needs of the poorest among them.
It’s no secret that our air, land and waters face a devastating century, and we with them. But the ones who will be most devastated by our climate catastrophe are the poorest of our world. We don’t need to look ahead to see that environmental racism plagues our own country.
Our worship isn’t something that happens disconnected from the rest of our lives. It is only as good as the form of life we produce. Is RMC a place where we can cultivate a new imagination for an anti-racist world? Is this a place where those who are seen as expendable in the economics of the survival of the fittest are instead known and loved just as they are? Is this a place where those who are harmed and discriminated against because of who they love can feel safe and can find shelter? Is this a place where everyone can find a family made here? Is this a place where we can discover together that we can trust the God who created us to be more than the bottom line, more than what we produce, more than what we make? These are the questions that linger in Isaiah.
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