Scripture: Exodus 16:4-8, 13-21 and John 6:35, 41-51 We, along with all the creatures of the world, are invited to be the fullness of our created being. The passages from Exodus and John tell a story of trust, a dependence on God. Jesus also reminds people about all of the non-human creatures who depend on […]
Quenching our thirst – Oct. 1, 2023
Exodus 17:1-7 & Matthew 21:23-32, World Communion Sunday “Is God here?” is a question that comes up throughout the Bible. And it has come up for many of us. But maybe there’s another question lingering in the lines between the lines of the scripture. Maybe it begins by saying, “What is that I need?” If […]
Life’s gifts – Nov. 7, 2021
Melissa continues the series on gifts, this time speaking from Exodus 16:1-21 and Matthew 6:24-34. Jesus tells us that our lives are more than food and our bodies are more than clothing. Almost the entirety of Jesus’ time on earth is spent fixing and feeding and holding and weeping and walking and exorcising. So do […]
What is this Passover Feast? – Jan. 19, 2020
Exodus 12:3-13 and Mark 14:12-25 Our biblical example of communion stems from Jesus sharing the Passover meal with his disciples. Rachel reflects on how the church’s communion practice, particularly in white-dominant congregations, can deepen rather than heal racial divisions in the church as it did in the past when white slave owners required those they […]
The house of slavery – Sept. 15, 2019
Exodus 13:3-10 Isaac Villegas, pastor of Chapel Hill Mennonite Fellowship, brought the sermon this Sunday. The Exodus passage recalls the first Jewish Passover. The meal was a ritual, reminding them of the liberation from the house of slavery. “Love is contraband in Hell, Cause love is an acidthat eats away bars.”~Assata Shakur
The Ten Commandments – Oct. 7, 2018
Angel brought the message on this World Communion Sunday. The lectionary reading was from Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17. How do the Ten Commandments speak to us today?
Waiting for God – Sept. 30, 2018
Melissa brought the message from Exodus 14 about Moses and the Israelites being delivered out of the land of the Egyptians and crossing the sea.
The 10th Commandment-Power, Coveting, Property – June 17, 2018
In the last sermon in her series on the 10 commandments, Melissa focuses on the tenth from Exodus 20:17. To help us understand the concept of “to covet” Melissa has the congregation participate in a little biblical exegesis. She uses 2 Samuel 11:1-13, the story of David and Bathsheba, to explain that coveting has to do […]
Freed to Follow Jesus – June 10, 2018
Melissa continues her series on what we generally call the ten commandments, found in Exodus 20:1-16. But she intertwines this Old Testament passage with the Gospel reading from Mark 10:17-31, what we typically refer to as the story of the rich young ruler. Jesus tells this man and the disciples–and us–that the commandments all along have been […]
The Ten Commandments as an Invitation to Freedom – May 27, 2018
Melissa kicked off a two-part series on the Ten Commandments, providing a fresh perspective on how to view them. Exodus 19:1-6 and Exodus 20:1-11.