Our regular weekly worship service is at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. In worship we put God back into the center of our lives, give thanks to our Creator, admit our need for a greater love and power, and reorient our lives with God’s passion and purpose for our world. Worship prepares us to engage with our world, both locally and globally.

Our Sunday worship services include a variety of types of music, liturgies, prayers, and rituals. We also have opportunities for worship in small groups and in people’s homes. We’ve worshipped at local parks and on retreats. We gather in people’s homes and with other faith communities.
We are ‘community led’ with members of the congregation taking turns planning and leading our worship services. Every person who wishes to can participate in preparing and leading worship – setting up chairs, playing instruments, printing bulletins, preaching, setting out song books, providing AV support, and leading sharing time.