Susan Scott preached during Christ the King Sunday, and yet the lectionary scripture for this sermon is Luke 23: 33-43, telling of the crucifixion of Jesus where he is mocked by the guards and one of the condemned for proclaiming his lordship. Susan invited us to see the kingship of Christ not as a ruler […]
The Terrible Parable – Nov. 19, 2023
Melissa’s sermon focused on Matthew 25: 14-30, the Parable of the Talents. This passage has often been used to justify a variety of teaching praising rampant capitalism or aggressive evangelization and placing God in the role of the master who casts out the lazy slave into darkness for burying the talent he should have invested. […]
Staying Awake, Pouring Out Hope – Nov. 12, 2023
Melissa’s sermon this Sunday focused on the parable from Matthew 25:1-13 about the bridesmaids waiting for the long-delayed bridal party, with all of them falling asleep and half of them running out of lamp oil. Jackie and Trixie provided a reenactment of how things maybe could have gone better had they stayed awake. What might […]
Martyrs on All Saints Day – Nov. 5, 2023
Revelation 7:9-17 The great ordeal John writes of in this letter from exile in Patmos is the persecution of the church. It’s a real and living threat to Christians in the first century. If you were to join up with the Anabaptists in the sixteenth century, there was a very good chance this would get […]
Understanding God, Ourselves, and Cycles of Violence Through the Parable of the Wedding Banquet – Oct. 15, 2023
Matthew 22: 1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Banquet We often try to interpret parables to find easy lessons and clear allegories, but Melissa Florer-Bixler invites us to ask how the “Parable of the Wedding Banquet” interprets ourselves, the recent violence in Israel and Gaza, and where we can find the character of God and […]
Quenching our thirst – Oct. 1, 2023
Exodus 17:1-7 & Matthew 21:23-32, World Communion Sunday “Is God here?” is a question that comes up throughout the Bible. And it has come up for many of us. But maybe there’s another question lingering in the lines between the lines of the scripture. Maybe it begins by saying, “What is that I need?” If […]
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant – Sept 17, 2023
Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35 In this parable we learn something remarkable. We determine our relationship to God by how we live. We have been forgiven. We owe nothing. And you need to do nothing in order to earn forgiveness. But the only way that you actually believe this? That you believe that it’s true? Is your […]
Worship Declares God’s Truth About Hierarchies- Sept. 10, 2023
In the third sermon on the theme of “What is church for?”, Melissa talked about God’s countercultural vision of hierarchy demonstrated by Paul’s body metaphor in 1 Corinthians 12: 14-31. Since antiquity, the institutions of government and the economy have a distinct continuity: they have created social, political, and economic hierarchies that we have often […]
Redistributive Justice – Sept. 3, 2023
In the second sermon on the theme of “What is church for?”, Melissa talked about stewardship, speaking from Acts 2:38-47. She shared the story of the Diggers. Every once in a while Christians begin to live so near to the life of Jesus, so deeply in tune with the Spirit of God at such a […]
Extravagant abundance – Aug. 27, 2023
John 2:1-12 This Sunday Melissa begins a three-part series on the question: What is the Church For? The miracle at the wedding of Cana seems like a superfluous act on the part of Jesus. There’s nothing practical or useful about the sign. Jesus doesn’t cure disease, raise a person from the dead or feed hungry […]
Imago Dei – Aug. 20, 2023
Dr. Candace Laughinghouse brought the sermon during this last Sunday in the summer series focused on Genesis 1 and creation care. God applies purpose and abundance to the earth even before humanity’s existence. From earth’s exception to today’s reality. How did we get to this place of chaos, catastrophe, and destruction? Today’s text reminds us […]
Creating from Darkness and Deep Waters – Aug. 13, 2023
RMC’s summer series on the Genesis account of creation continues with this Sunday’s sermon by Elizabeth Korver-Glenn. Dr. Korver-Glenn is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Washington University in St. Louis, and a member of Raleigh Mennonite. Elizabeth began by sharing from a booklet she and Randall received at their wedding. God creates out of […]
Imagining a World Amidst Creation – July 30, 2023
Continuing the summer’s theme on creation, this Sunday Dr. Derek Hicks brought the sermon. Dr. Hicks is associate professor of Religion and Culture at Wake Forest University. What is creation for ALL if some are pushed to the margins? Or left out altogether? How does that square with the radical nature of Jesus’s declarations about […]
God Wars & Global Theology – July 23, 2023
Our summer series focusing on the creation story from the beginning of Genesis continued. Dr. Christopher Hays, president of Scholar Leaders, joined us this Sunday. He shared the Babylonian creation story, the “Enuma Elish,” comparing and contrasting it with the biblical creation story. The Enuma Elish provides insight into how the contemporaries of the ancient […]
God’s Creation is Crying Out – June 16, 2023
In the continuing summer series on Genesis 1, this Sunday’s guest speaker was Ren Martin. Ren is the Eco-Justice Connection Program Coordinator for the North Carolina Council of Churches. Genesis teaches us that all of creation is a gift from God. Our response to this gift should be one of deepest respect and gratitude. We […]
Naming and Caring – July 9, 2023
As our summer series focused on creation from Genesis 1 continues, Chas Edens brought the message this morning. Melissa introduces him at the outset. Do we name and care for creation, for the environment, as an asset or part of our livelihood, an extension of ourselves? How we look at it may depend upon our […]
Symbiotic Creation, Symbiotic God – June 25, 2023
On this third Sunday of our summer series focusing on creation care, Dr. Aminah Al-Attas Bradford provided the message, speaking from Genesis 1, 2:9, 15-17, 3:1-6, 22-23. We’ve been misreading what it means to be a reflection of God. The world in its entirety is meant to mirror and reflect a symbiotic God. Symbiosis is […]
The very good earth mourns – June 18, 2023
On this second Sunday of the summer series focusing on creation care, Doug Kaufman brought the message. Doug will be taking on the role of executive director of the Anabaptist Climate Collaborative and has been an environmental activist, along with being a pastor. Doug preached from Genesis 1:2-3 and Jeremiah 4:23-28. He spoke of the […]
Creation Care – June 11, 2023
Melissa kicked off a summer series focusing on creation care. Over the course of the summer we will hear the story of creation from Genesis from nine different preachers. She started us off, combining it with the passage from Colossians 1:15-20. Another aspect of the series this summer is captured in this web page, suggesting […]
Spirit Empowered Community – May 28, 2023
Scripture: John 20:19-23; Acts 2:1-21 On this Pentecost Sunday we also celebrated the birthday of Raleigh Mennonite and the annual renewal of our covenant together. We take time to remember that we’ve said “yes” to showing up for one another. There’s no rule book for how to do this. The only tools we’re given to […]
Doing the work to which we were called – May 21, 2023
Scripture: John 17:1-11 We were privileged to have Casey Stanton provide the message this Sunday. Casey is co-director of Discerning Deacons, a project serving the Catholic Church through active discernment around women and the diaconate. Called to be active in promoting change within the Catholic Church, Casey called all of us to do the work […]
Abiding – May 14, 2023
This was a unique Sunday when Raleigh Mennonite joined St. Ambrose Episcopal for a joint worship service in St. Ambrose’s sanctuary. Father Jemonde Taylor and Pastor Melissa Florer-Bixler brought a dialogical sermon from the gospel reading in John 14:15-21. During Lent the choirs from both churches joined together to learn about and sing songs from […]
Marshmallow Prayers – May 7, 2023
Susan provided the message this Sunday from John 14:1-14 Jesus tells his disciples to, “Ask for anything in my name and I will give it.” That offer needs to be looked at in context!
The Way Through – April 30, 2023
Our guest speaker this Sunday was Ian McPherson, from Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. Chrys introduced him before he spoke from the lectionary passage of John 10:1-10. We often hear of Jesus referred to as the good shepherd. But in this passage, Jesus first refers to himself twice as “the gate.” “Christ’s in-breaking into our world […]