God demands justice but will bring it about without our violence. In the meantime, we water and keep the mixed fields of our souls, and join together to water and keep the mixed fields of our churches and our world… Read More →
Pondering Parables – Feb. 10, 2019
Rachel helped us take a broader view of a number of Jesus’ parables found in the Gospel of Matthew, providing some background and giving the congregation an opportunity to reflect on them in a new way. … Read More →
The Lord’s Prayer – Feb. 3, 2019
Melissa preaches from Matthew 6:7-21.
The Beatitudes – January 27, 2019
Debbie Bledsoe discusses the ways scripture, especially The Beatitudes, can be misused, referencing Margaret Atwood’s story The Handmaid’s Tale as a fantasy example. She celebrates the way that a community of believers who affirm and support those on the margins is life giving. Melissa speaks about the complications and interpretations of The Beatitudes. “Here I […]
Temptations of Jesus – January 20, 2019
Melissa recounts the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. It might be viewed as a test to see if Jesus is really who he claims to be. Jesus believes he is God’s beloved. We might not be able to pass the tests Jesus was faced with, but we also are God’s beloved. Matthew […]
Baptism of Jesus – January 13, 2019
In the second message in the series on Jesus’ life as told in Matthew, we come to Jesus’ baptism. Melissa provides a fresh perspective on this age-old story and invites those of us who have been baptized to reflect back on what it means. Matthew 3:1-17
Pondering – Dec. 30, 2018
Melissa preached from Matthew 1:17-25, the story of an incredibly creative act of God. The doctrine of the virgin birth becomes, as Karl Barth says, “The guard at the door of the mystery of Christmas.”
Love has found a way – Dec. 24, 2018
Melissa provided a Christmas Eve sermon. Our lives, as Jesus’ life begin in want. From the beginning they are bound up in gifts. In giving and receiving what is precious. Of sharing it with others.
An Advent Story – Dec. 23, 2018
Rachel tells the story of William Kamkwamba, a boy in Malawi whose family faced starvation due to extreme drought. Ultimately a story of resilience and hope, along with creativity and ingenuity, what makes this an Advent story is because of the faithfulness and trust in the midst of incredible adversity. We may be longing for […]
Enemies – Dec. 16, 2018
We are being called out of enmity over and over again and into friendship with God. We are now called friends because of God’s love for us. It’s this same love we are to show our enemies. Luke 3:1-14
Stand Up! – Dec. 2, 2018
Melissa spoke from Jeremiah 33:14-16 and Luke 21-25-36. Look around; the time is now. Stand up! Raise your heads. Don’t hide, don’t run away, don’t weep and gnash your teeth. Don’t numb yourself against this world, shutting it out with whatever distractions you can find. During this time of Advent, take hope. Hope is a […]
The Kin-dom of Christ – Nov. 25, 2018
In the 37 times that Jesus describes the reign of God in the Gospels, not once is the kingdom of God like a kingdom of earth. Each time, Jesus tells them stories. Over and over again he roots the liberation of God in ordinary life, in what happens around us, not in throne rooms with princes […]
Poeting the Word – Nov. 18, 2018
Doug Luginbill, Central District Conference minister, joined us this Sunday to ordain Melissa and install Rachel. This recording includes the ordination and installation, as well as Doug’s sermon from the lectionary reading of Isaiah 36:14; 13-20; 37:1-7; 2:1-4. Together pastors and congregations clarify the vision to which God is calling them. They discern the gifts […]
What Does the Lord Require of Us? – Nov. 11, 2018
Micah 1:3-5, 5:2-5a, 6:6-8 An oft-quoted verse, Micah 6:8, framed the message introduced by Melissa and shared by Shannon and Deb. Shannon focuses on the meaning of kindness and Deb talks about what it means to walk humbly.
Mennonite Saints – November 4, 2018
Psalm 116: 15, Psalm 16:3 Mennonites do not have a canon of Saints. If they did it might include St. Francis of Assisi, Edna Ruth Byler (founder of Ten Thousand Villages), Rowena Lark (Black Mennonite church planter) and our own Zinith Barbee. Craig, Brenda, Hans, Rachel and Red introduce us to these Mennonite “Saints.”
Confessions – Oct. 21, 2018
Melissa spoke from 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 26-27, 12:1-9 and Psalm 51. David makes a tragic and terrible decision and the results are heinous. When we see or hear of acts like this, we seek a confession from the wrongdoer, though David doesn’t come clean until he’s confronted by Nathan. Once we let the truth out, […]
Memory Keepers – Oct. 14, 2018
Telling and rewriting the story of Joshua from Joshua 24:1-15, Melissa shared about her experiences of visiting border communities in Arizona and Mexico to learn more about the current immigration situation.
The Ten Commandments – Oct. 7, 2018
Angel brought the message on this World Communion Sunday. The lectionary reading was from Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17. How do the Ten Commandments speak to us today?
Waiting for God – Sept. 30, 2018
Melissa brought the message from Exodus 14 about Moses and the Israelites being delivered out of the land of the Egyptians and crossing the sea.
Living in the Empire – Sept. 23, 2018
Today’s lesson from Genesis 39:1-23 about Joseph and Potiphar’s wife was particularly salient given the week’s current events. Melissa asks, “How is the empire we can’t help but be a part of controlling our lives? Where is our allegiance?” As Ta-Nehisi Coates has said, “You are called to struggle, not because it assures you victory but […]
Gifted, Called & Blessed – Sept. 16, 2018
As a result of some last minute storm-related changes, Melissa and Hans provided a Bible study for today’s message based on Genesis 12:1-9 and Hebrews 11:8-16. Their interactive review, including a discussion of Abram’s blessings, was followed by Sri Mayasandra who shared about his life and current ministry as the Asia regional peace resource coordinator […]
The Cost of Covenant – Sept. 9, 2018
Donna Coltrane Battle joined us this Sunday and provided a riveting message based on the story of Noah from Genesis 6-9. Covenants are birthed out of pain. Recovery, or salvation, requires sacrifice. On this side of the covenant, we must press for ongoing justice. Dr. Battle currently serves as the chaplain at Meredith College.
God’s Gift of Grandeur – Sept. 2, 2018
This Sunday marks the beginning of a new study of Genesis. Prior to Melissa’s message from Genesis 1, Pam read a poem, “God’s Grandeur” by Gerald Manly Hopkins. There is mystery in the creation story. Everything in the world is a pure gift, an unmerited pure act of God’s love that somehow has intersected with […]
Lineage – Aug. 26, 2018
Melissa finishes up her series on the book of, and the person, Ruth. But Ruth shows up another time, at the beginning of the New Testament. The genealogy listed in Matthew 1 mentions three very unique women, including Ruth. Remnants of Ruth show up in Jesus generations later. Ruth 4, Matthew 1, Matthew 9:20-38