As a result of some last minute storm-related changes, Melissa and Hans provided a Bible study for today’s message based on Genesis 12:1-9 and Hebrews 11:8-16. Their interactive review, including a discussion of Abram’s blessings, was followed by Sri Mayasandra who shared about his life and current ministry as the Asia regional peace resource coordinator […]
Mennonite Central Committee
Kaitlin Heatwole and Nathan Hershberger – May 13, 2018
Jeremiah 31:1-17 Kaitlin Heatwole and Nathan Hershberger spent three years with Mennonite Central Committee in Northern Iraq. They share stories of Iraqis displaced by ISSIL.
The Whole World Has Gone After Him – March 25, 2018
John 12:9-19 and Zechariah 9:9-13 On this Palm Sunday Melissa told us about the Alexamenos graffito. Due to some technical issues, the beginning of her sermon is cut off. Jesus isn’t interested in re-imagining the structures or reinforcing nationalism. Instead, the whole world has gone after him, as it says in the Gospel of John. Jesus […]