In April members of Raleigh Mennonite contributed to a congregational prayer. The prayer, compiled from the church’s submitted words and images, was read on Sunday, May 19, when we celebrated Pentecost and the renewal of our covenant to one another. The prayer was also posted on the RMC Instagram feed. God of compassion,we build this […]
Hmm, I’m not sure about that…
This spring and early summer Melissa and a number of guest speakers are exploring questions that congregation members have been wondering about. These questions and themes were gathered during a Church Life Meeting and through queries Melissa sent out to the congregation. If you missed a message, you can catch up via one of the […]
Holy Week – March 2024
Holy week marks the journey from Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to his meal with his friends, to betrayal by Judas, trial and execution on the cross, the resurrection on Easter. You can join us throughout the week to mark the end of the wilderness journey together. March 24, Palm Sunday Palm […]
RMCers to DC as part of Anti-Racism Worship Grant
RMCers from the anti-racism team went to Washington DC to continue to learn from churches about how they are integrating anti-racist practices into worship as part of our year-long Vital Worship grant. Many thanks to new friends at Washington Community Fellowship, The Table, Community House Church, and Christ City Church for sharing with us!
A blessing for the kids
A peak into a special part of the service for the youngest members of our community when Melissa shares with them how much God loves them. Take a listen!
First Sunday Back Indoors In Person!
Just as the COVID-19 delta variant is picking up steam, we met in person for the first time at our new location, Shepherd’s Hall at Church of the Good Shepherd on August 8. We started sharing space with them this summer and Melissa has an office in their office suite. It was great to worship […]
Communion during the COVID-19 Pandemic
By David and Rosene Rohrer, with photo by Karin Shank Having learned from each other about the variety of ways communion is celebrated around the world, we easily adjusted to observing this important practice from our homes during the novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020. One Sunday for our virtual service (via Zoom) we each chose […]
Palm Sunday 2020
This Sunday was unique for RMC, just as it was for many others throughout the world during the pandemic we’re living through. But our worship service brought us together in ways we could not have otherwise been together. Each Sunday since holding our services via Zoom we’ve had the opportunity to be joined together with […]
Walking Toward Suffering
Melissa Florer-BixlerSermon from March 29, 2020 worship service, held via ZoomJohn 11The spoken version of the message, without notes, is also available on the podcast. One of the parts of our faith that is most important to me is the affirmation that God has something to do with the world. And if God has something […]
First Sunday at Fletcher Academy
During renovations to the building at 1116 N. Blount St., we are meeting for Sunday School and Worship at Fletcher Academy’s campus at 400 Cedarview Ct., north of Millbrook between Six Forks and Falls of the Neuse. Here are a few images from our first Sunday there, Feb. 2, 2020.
Last day at Building for Hope…at least for now
Sunday, January 26, marked our last day worshiping at 1116 N. Blount St. for at least six months. Here are a few photos from the last service and the move out process that took place afterward. We will be meeting for worship at Fletcher Academy at 300 Cedarview Ct. while the building is being renovated. […]
Brunch and Hymns – Summer Schedule
Starting June 4 we’ll start our summer schedule: no Sunday school and worship at 10 am. On the first Sunday of the summer months–June 4, July 2 and August 6–we’ll be at Pullen Park, at shelter #3, for a potluck brunch and hymn sing-a-long. This is a great time to invite friends and family to […]
Older audio recordings and the RMC Podcast
Greetings! We have available digital recordings of most sermons from about 2007 to the present, with a few others before that. However, only those from January 2018 to the present are on this website. If you have interest in hearing messages from Raleigh Mennonite Church worship services, or other special recordings, that are not in […]