In the midst of our busyness it’s easy to miss the beauty of God’s extravagant creation all around us. Through the poetry of Psalm 65 and several more modern authors, Melissa recounts more of her sabbatical journey and encourages us to stop and notice that we too are a part of the joyful abundance of […]
Praying with the Prophets – Aug. 14, 2022
Scripture: Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:14-19 Pastor Chalice Overy, from Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, provided the message this morning. Prior to her preaching we heard a rendition of Lift Every Voice and Sing and Chalice begins by sharing with us some of the significance of that song for her. Prayer is a place where our will […]
Being Tricksters – April 24, 2022
Melissa starts out with a story of Brer Rabbit for the children on this Holy Humor Sunday. She then recounts how those who had been enslaved in our country knew how to quietly and secretly assert their resistance, trickery, and humor. They would use ordinary means to confront power they could not fight openly. When […]
A Desire for Justice – July 26, 2020
Psalm 37 Rachel shared from this passage and her memories of hearing about it in the context of a seminary class on the role of the environment and land portrayed in the Old Testament, then juxtaposed immediately after through a campus rally about the suffering encountered by many in eastern North Carolina as a result […]
The Black National Anthem – July 19, 2020
Psalm 88 Al Reberg shared how the song Lift Every Voice and Sing often referred to as The Black National Anthem has moved him over the years. In the 80s, Kirsten (his daughter) had learned Lift Every Voice and Sing while part of the Saint Cecilia Youth Chorale. She sang it for him and it […]
Known by God – June 14, 2020
Psalm 139 During the summer months RMCers are sharing scripture passages that have been particularly meaningful to them. This Sunday Hannah Barg shared about her brother Erin and the special relationship they had through music. Rachel Taylor introduces the passage from Psalm 139, followed by Hannah providing the scripture in song. After Hannah shares her […]
Singing the Psalms – Nov. 10, 2019
World-renowned bluegrass, folk and Americana singer-songwriter Charles Pettee was our special guest this morning. Charles has set many Psalms to music and shared several of them with us as well as his song about Jesus and feeding the 5,000. You can hear many more FolkPsalms performed by Charles and other fine musicians on this YouTube […]
Finding God in Unexpected Places – June 16, 2019
Psalm 9, Isaiah 53:4-9 This Sunday the service used the music of Patty Griffin to tell stories of a God who is present in the messiness of life. What does the Gospel of Jesus Christ have to say to those with their backs against the wall? The scriptures tell us the answer: God is there […]
Confessions – Oct. 21, 2018
Melissa spoke from 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 26-27, 12:1-9 and Psalm 51. David makes a tragic and terrible decision and the results are heinous. When we see or hear of acts like this, we seek a confession from the wrongdoer, though David doesn’t come clean until he’s confronted by Nathan. Once we let the truth out, […]