Rachel shared from this passage and her memories of hearing about it in the context of a seminary class on the role of the environment and land portrayed in the Old Testament, then juxtaposed immediately after through a campus rally about the suffering encountered by many in eastern North Carolina as a result of the practices of large scale commercial hog farms. A small snippet of this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyAFNV4Afgw) was shared to illustrate the environmental violence the hog waste has caused.
She shared of her lived experiences and her strong desire to create a more just world for those she has lived and worked with over the years. Another word for desire is love. Psalm 37 reminds us that we are called to love. To love those we encounter and to love God.
Rachel ended her message with us listening to this rendition of Psalm 37 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PeYQGLoMFk) by Charles Pettee.

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