On this third Sunday of Lent, Melissa spoke from Romans 5:1-11. Most of our sins aren’t interesting or dangerous. They’re mostly petty and boring and cruel. We short change both the chasm of our failings and the grace of God when we limit the scope of our sins to doing bad things. Our sins are […]
Questions of Identity – March 5, 2023
On this second Sunday of Lent Melissa preached from Romans 4:1-5, 13-17, weaving in basketball with the ongoing theme of confession, along with talking about community and identity. What if our identity isn’t a story about heroics or world-changing? What if the only way to tell each other apart is that we forgive each other?
Confessions – Oct. 21, 2018
Melissa spoke from 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 26-27, 12:1-9 and Psalm 51. David makes a tragic and terrible decision and the results are heinous. When we see or hear of acts like this, we seek a confession from the wrongdoer, though David doesn’t come clean until he’s confronted by Nathan. Once we let the truth out, […]