Isaiah 9: 1-7 Merry Christmas everyone! We know it’s only September, but Raleigh Mennonite Church took a moment this Sunday to sing Christmas carols and reflect on the birth of Christ during a season far less busy and distracting than the end of December. Melissa Florer-Bixler’s sermon reminds us to take time and examine the […]
Jesus’ Early Life: God Incarnate – Jan. 1, 2023
Matthew 2:13-23 Scripture doesn’t tell us a lot about Jesus’ early life, when God became a human baby. The story at the beginning of his life will form the whole rest of the story. It turns out that what it means to be God is actually what it means to be perfectly human, to love […]
Christ through the eyes of a child and the poor – Jan 2, 2022
Micah decries prophets who cry peace when they have something to eat and declare war against those who put nothing in their mouth. Micah looks out at the justice system and announces his disgust: its rulers give judgments for a bribe, its priests teach for a price, its prophets give oracles for money. The mystery […]
Pondering – Dec. 30, 2018
Melissa preached from Matthew 1:17-25, the story of an incredibly creative act of God. The doctrine of the virgin birth becomes, as Karl Barth says, “The guard at the door of the mystery of Christmas.”