Luke 1:46b-55 Melissa preaches in the third week of Advent on Mary’s leap of faith to obey God, immaculately conceive and eventually give birth to our savior. As an unmarried, pregnant, Jewish woman, Mary had to put her reputation, future, and life at risk given the societal and medical conditions of Israel in antiquity. Likewise, […]
Giving Voice to the Voiceless – Dec. 12, 2021
Brian Recker provided the sermon on this third Sunday of Advent based on the scripture passages in Judges 13:2-7 and Luke 1:46-56. The writer of Luke doesn’t keep Mary in the margins. Not only do we hear her voice in this passage, this is actually the longest set of words spoken by a woman in […]
Do Not be afraid – Dec 20, 2020
I Samuel 7:1-11, 16 & Luke 1:26-38 – On the Road to Revelation God selected Mary, a young woman to deliver the Lord Jesus in to the world. She was afraid and then heard a an angel’s voice “Greetings you who highly favored, the Lord is with you”. She heard the voice again “Don’t be […]
Mary: The Paper Doll Project
This Advent we are delighted to host Carole Baker’s art installation, Mary: The Paper Doll Project. Baker created four life-size Marys representing four Marian visitations from around the world. This exhibit is interactive as the outer garments are interchangeable. You’ll be able to change them, just like a giant paper doll. Baker created the exhibit to explore the universality and particularity of […]
Revolutionary Magnificat – Dec. 15, 2019
Isaiah 35:1-10 & Luke 1:46-55 When women in the Bible have something to say, it often comes out as a song. Mary’s song, recounted in Luke 1, is revolutionary. God is on the side of the dispossessed and Mary sings of the revolution taking place through God’s world-toppling love. Melissa’s message was preceded by a […]
Pondering – Dec. 30, 2018
Melissa preached from Matthew 1:17-25, the story of an incredibly creative act of God. The doctrine of the virgin birth becomes, as Karl Barth says, “The guard at the door of the mystery of Christmas.”