On this Easter morning Melissa preached from John 20:1-18.
Early on the first morning, while it was still dark, there was sweat and adrenaline and weeping. It has been three days since the crucifixion. Three days since they took his body down from the cross, and sealed it inside a cave with a massive boulder. We don’t know what happens inside the tomb in the dark during those days.
Today we continue to find ourselves in darkness. It is difficult to see the shape of our future, the threat of climate change is so immense. I can’t find the path before me when there is so much destruction and hatred aimed at trans people, so much hatred for teachers who have the conviction that we need to tell the truth to our children about racism. Tyre Nichols is dead at the hands of police. Tortuguita is dead also at the hands of police, for protecting the forest he loved.
Easter doesn’t make that go away. Easter points us to the most raw and vicious pain we carry in us. And then we hear our name.

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