Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 On this Pentecost Sunday Melissa told a story about the sanctuaries in wooded areas called hush harbors where enslaved people would gather to worship in freedom, away from their enslavers and overseers. Pentecost is not a call to action. It’s a description of the Spirit’s work. What have we become as the […]
A weighty love – April 18, 2021
Scripture: 1 John 3:1-7 This Sunday Melissa began a series on I John. Many people are leaving the institutional church. Why is it that we have difficulty identifying with the term “Christian” or have some anxiety about it? The gap is between who Jesus is and how Jesus’ followers act in the world. “This is […]
The Church Found Me – June 7, 2020
Zinith shares about how he came to Raleigh Mennonite. The recording starts with Loretta reading Ezekiel 34:11-16 and Melissa providing context…. Read More →
Reorienting Toward the Marginalized – May 24, 2020
I Corinthians 8 As we continue our Zoom services online, Melissa continued her series talking about the church in Corinth. As we work at being church together at Raleigh Mennonite, we’re given this gift of seeing how this little church in Corinth worked out its conflicts, and how it might be good news for our […]
Remembrance of baptism – Jan. 12, 2020
Matthew 3:3-17 NOTE: There were electronic issues during the recording which caused interference in the audio. It gets progressively worse toward the end of the recording, but it’s a good sermon, so if you can persevere, it’s worth it! Baptism is a little death. At the same time, all of life is baptism. There is […]
Not Belonging – Jan. 5, 2020
John 1, Matthew 2:1-12 Stan Wilson provided the sermon this morning. Drawing from Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, Stan says to be true to our Christian vocation, we need to “not belong.” For the church to not belong, we need to be part of a community that is called to embrace the wholeness and […]
Decisionmaking in the Church – May 12, 2019
Acts 15:1-29 While the passage is specifically about whether male Gentiles who followed the Way of Jesus needed to be circumcised, Melissa explains this really speaks to the broader decision-making process within the early church. We think we have difficulty coming to a consensus as a church; this was a much more volatile issue! Note: […]
Factions in the Church – July 8. 2018
Using I John 2:7-15 Melissa shows that factions in the Church are nothing new. As the Church was starting, there were different understandings of the Gospel message. How do we handle this?