It’s Palm Sunday. Instead of processing around the outside of Hope School as we’ve done the past couple of years, we waved our branches from our homes, worshipping together via Zoom. (See for a link to the video shared during the service of several RMCers waving branches in front of their homes.)
Indeed, things are different this year. People sensed something different as well when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Jerusalem was in turmoil. Jesus continued to pull back the curtain and show the world the one who would shepherd and steward creation, not with force and coercion, but with care and love.
This unmasking is the task that is always set before us. To uncover and reveal the structures and mechanisms, the powers and principalities of this world. And then we put our bodies together. We put our money together. We put our lives together, of living and dying, and set before this one we follow as Messiah.
Melissa’s sermon was from Matthew 21:1-17.

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