On this second Sunday of Lent, Brian Recker provided our sermon based on the passage from Luke 9:28-36.
The last two years have been tough. During that time we’ve had lots of expectations that have been thwarted. Whether they were expectations in our personal lives or in the world around us, the last few years have left many of us in a state of constant disappointment.
While those moments of frustration and failed expectations can be disappointing when they shatter our dreams, they can actually be liberating if they help us align ourselves with what is more true.
The disciples were confused about who Jesus was. Their version of the Messiah was a warrior, a liberator who would rise up and combat the oppression the Jewish people were facing. But Jesus described a vision for glory that doesn’t quite fit with their expectations. And then God shows them Jesus’ glory, putting hope in the middle of their disappointment.
Our world has let us down so often. But Christianity is a religion of hope. We have a hope that God’s peace will break into our world and God’s justice will be established.

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