Scripture: Mark 8:31-38
Today’s scripture talks about Peter rebuking Jesus, and Jesus in turn rebuking Peter right back. Melissa tells us that term could be interpreted today as, “Shut up!” The term is used elsewhere in the gospel four times, when Jesus silences violent and evil spirits.
This passage illustrates two ways for the world to unfold, represented here by Peter and Jesus. The way of Peter is the way of Satan, of the nothing, of the deception. It’s a way of ordering the world where you spend all of your time trying to get away from the place where God is.
Because where God is…is where people suffer. If we’re going to get a life near to God, to live near to this Jesus, we will find ourselves in those places too. And if you hang around with people who are suffering, with people who are getting hurt, you’re probably going to get hurt to.

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