Scripture: Mark 6:14-29
Our guest speaker this morning was Alicia T. Crosby. As Chrys noted in the introduction, Alicia was not able to be with us live in our Zoom worship, but nonetheless her recorded sermon resonated with those gathered.
The same God who abided with John the Baptist in today’s scripture abides with you. What if we were all a little more like John? What if we were all bold? What if we were righteous? What if we took the here but not quite yet Kingdom of God so seriously, that we called in and out those whose actions and movements in the world compromise human flourishing and well being?
Having that divine power on your side means that you can do miracles. And those miracles may not look like the instantaneous healing of the body you see in the scriptures, but it can look like the healing of hearts, minds and histories, as you delve more deeply into antiracist and anti-oppressive work. You too have the power to call people to care for one another more fully and in doing so, honor one another and honor God as well as yourselves.

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