Scripture: Matthew 5:38-42
While Melissa is on sabbatical we are privileged to have a number of guest speakers. Yuri Yamamoto recently graduated from Shaw University with her Master of Divinity and is commissioned and endorsed by the Federation of Christian Ministries as a Christian minister and chaplain. Yuri is very active in the community and works as a chaplain resident at a local hospital.
In this part of the Sermon on the Mount from today’s scripture, Jesus teaches us how we must do more than is required by law in order to advance the kingdom of heaven. He is talking about building the kingdom of heaven through building relationships. In particular, building the kingdom of heaven for the poor and the marginalized.
Jesus tells us to give more than we’re being asked. Going just the extra mile is a very modest ask. Whenever we practice justice, mercy and love, we are advancing the kingdom of heaven. The more we do this, the easier it becomes.
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