Our intern Emily Alexander preaches from the Gospel of Luke on the final week of Advent, as we ready ourselves to celebrate the good news of Christ’s kingdom arriving. In this passage, Jesus is trying to get his followers accustomed to a radically new kind of kingdom philosophy. He inverts the natural order by exalting the poor, hungry, and grieving people over the privileged few, and goes even further by exhorting his followers to love their biggest enemies. With peace as a fundamental principal of Anabaptist theology, it is easy to become complacent in the rightness of our beliefs. In this holiday season earmarked by material consumption and in a world full of fighting and heated politics, we too can easily slip into comfort seeking, judgmental words, and repaying others with the righteous anger we feel they deserve. Emily invites us to take a moment from our busyness to examine how are feet are being guided. We must remember that Jesus’s kingdom is guided by principles that bewilder, confound, and upend the world’s order and may make us feel uncomfortable. Let Jesus guide your feet to a kingdom filled with the infinite goodness and mercy of God.
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