Scripture: John 2:1-11
We held a joint service with Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal this Sunday, the congregation we rent space from. The service was held in their sanctuary and Pastor Melissa brought the message.
In recognition of its 500th anniversary this week, Melissa shared some of the history of Anabaptism, and even included the story of Dirk Willemsz from the Martyrs’ Mirror.
Early Anabaptists had an expectation that God would act in the world just as Mary, the mother of Jesus, had an expectation at the wedding at Cana that he would act when she told the servants to “do whatever he tells you.”
As the good wine was poured out of the large vessels that had just earlier been filled with water, so too is the fullness of God poured out to all people.
As we reflected on the story of Jesus’ first miracle, Melissa asked, “What do you expect of Jesus? “

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