Scripture: I Samuel 15:34-16:13
Rev. Chalice Overy, associate pastor at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, was our guest speaker this Sunday.
The story of Samuel anointing David is a good hero story. However, it also points out our biases, or expectations, for who is fit for leadership. But most hero stories also miss something; all the days in between when we’re not facing giants, or even obstacles of giant proportions. On all those days we don’t need to be concerned about self preservation, we can work to build a world that is sustainable and just.
What if we spent less time looking for heroes and more time trying to help each other uncover the heroism that is inside each of us? We’ve got to nurture that spark inside of each person, so that we’re building a world that is not always in crisis mode.
We have the story of Samuel anointing David as king, but the king was only one role. One is not enough to move a nation forward. Who will anoint the rest of us to create the world we believe is possible? It has to be you. It has to be us! We are anointed to be anointers of others.

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