During the summer of 2021 we will continue the tradition of Brunch and Hymns at Pullen Park. Given the pandemic, however, this year will be a bit different, with less emphasis on the brunch part…
On the first Sundays in May, June and July we’ll meet at Pullen Park’s shelter #3. On the first Sunday in August, we’ll head to Few’s Ford on the Eno River where we’ll hold a baptism for several new members.
Please wear a mask and bring your own chairs, so we can spread out a bit. At least for the first couple months we will not have a potluck, but you are welcome to bring your own food and drink to enjoy during fellowship time (10:30 to 11:00), which will be followed by singing at 11:00 (from the new Voices Together hymnal). Logistics will change throughout the summer as we discern together and adhere to the CDC’s health and safety guidelines.
Interested in more details about a particular First Sunday? If you’re not already on an RMC mailing list, just let us know via the Contact Us form and we’ll fill you in!
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