Our current need is to integrate a growing number of children into the life of the church. We hope that, as our
church continues to grow, the position will change and expand.
Hours: 10 hours/week
Pay: Commensurate with experience and education
Job Description
- Children’s Sunday school (Sept-May).
- Equip and coordinate volunteers
- Plan and lead Sunday school classes
(two age groups: PreK-Early Elementary and Late Elementary-Middle School)
- Summer programming
- E.g., summer peace movies, rock painting, service project
- Integrate children into worship
- Lead Church creations, our in-worship craft for older children
- Identify and use children’s gifts in the service
- Coordinate Safe Church anti-abuse training
- Potential to preach and lead worship, based on interest and gifts
- Vibrant faith that reflects faith formation in a peace church perspective
- Enjoy interacting with children
- Able to think outside the box and be flexible with programming
- Commitment to cross-generational ministry
- Bachelor’s degree. MDiv or current seminarian preferred
Funds available for professional development
Church Profile
Raleigh Mennonite Church is an historic peace-church that seeks to make disciples through intergenerational
spiritual formation as we encounter God together through worship, the Bible, and one another.
As a Christian community, called to peacemaking and reconciliation, we affirm that people of any racial or
ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, age, or economic status are welcome to full
participation in our congregation.
Currently, approximately 50-60 people attend most Sundays, including approximately 8-12 children, ranging in
age from 4-17, with more at the lower age range.
Contact: Pastor Melissa Florer-Bixler